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Monthly Archives: October 2024

5 foods for patients with “osteoarthritis”

“Osteoarthritis” tends to accumulate and show clear symptoms as we age, which is mostly caused by lifestyle and eating habits. Here are some recommended food groups that patients with osteoarthritis and knee pain should eat to nourish joints and bones. Osteoarthritis or knee pain from other

“Cha-om” a pungent but delicious vegetable.

Many people know and have eaten cha-om very well. But did you know that cha-om itself has benefits and medicinal properties? On the other hand, it can also be harmful to some people! Acacia concinna is a popular vegetable with a unique smell and flavor. Many

Revealing the properties of “Lemongrass”

Lemongrass, a household herb, in addition to removing the smell of food and being a tom yum ingredient, also has many properties and essential minerals. Revealing the properties and health benefits, cautions that must be read! Lemongrass: I believe many people have known this herb